

TeBIT, the annual benchmarking report from ETIS, is created in collaboration with the Boston Consulting Group. It provides a comprehensive analysis of the business and technological trends within the telecommunications sector.

Each year, TeBIT not only reviews spending, performance, and processes within telco IT units but also delves into a specific, emerging theme that could bolster competitiveness in the telecom industry. Past topics have included cloud transformation journey, energy cost reduction, sustainability, artificial intelligence, robotics, and big data monetisation, offering members a chance to benchmark their own efficiency and foster an exchange of knowledge and ideas.

This year for TeBIT 2024, we are focusing on the transformative potential of (Gen)AI within the European telecom sector. This initiative is designed to provide deep insights into operational efficiencies, strategic IT spending, and the innovative use of AI technologies that are shaping our industry.

Confidential and Secure: We prioritize your data’s confidentiality. Participants receive individualized reports comparing their performance to industry standards, without revealing peer details. This ensures each company can discreetly gauge its performance while benefiting from a broader industry perspective.

Tangible Deliverables: Participants in TeBIT 2024 will receive:

  • A detailed analysis of spending and trends within key operational areas such as Business Environment, IT Efficiency & Investments, Normalization, and IT Operating Model.
  • An exclusive 100-page report that provides insights into these areas, available only to participants.
  • A presentation with historical spending analysis.
  • An executive summary and a detailed benchmark report that offer actionable insights and strategic guidance.

Participation is free of charge for European Telecom Operators within the ETIS network or those participating in TeBIT for the first time! For application, please reach out to us at and, who oversee the TeBIT program.